Monday, January 16, 2006

Healthy Sex Connection

The path to having a truly fulfilling relationship is totally intertwined with having a healthy sexual connection with your partner.

A fulfilling sex life is critical to overall human health. It makes for a great means to connection and intimacy, but also acts as a source of stress relief and yes, even exercise! The physical and emotional challenges of our daily lives make sex a welcome little ‘rest stop’ on the road of life, as long as we share the right connection with someone.

Some of the keys to creating a healthy sexual connection include understanding of your partner’s body and how it works, how to ignite and sustain desire between you, and keeping the feelings between you open and intimate. Communication is always important, especially when you have unresolved tension between you over some event or ongoing ‘thing’. Talking these things out is vital to the health of the relationship, and therefore contribute to a healthy sexual connection.

Another important issue is the area of sexual taboos. Most of us have an internal set of rules that tells us what is ok or not in the bedroom. Sometimes early life experiences can affect people’s sexuality in adulthood. It can be very hard to break though these barriers, and can be frustrating to the partner who wants to experiment more. Openness and communication, plus a heck of a lot of patience and understanding are needed to allow these issues to get worked out. Sometimes an experienced therapist can make the difference.

Read the rest of this article on healthy sex connection here

This article has been provided to Health Guides by Her


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