Causes of low sperm count
Possible causes for fertility problems & low sperm count. A health guide on increasing sperm count.
Having researched the subject and experienced low sperm levels I have found the following conditions which can lead to fertility problems in men:
urinary tract infection
spinal cord injury
hormone disturbance
sexually transmitted diseases
anatomical abnormalities of the genitals such as
genital injury
varicose veins in the testicles
antidepressants, and male hormones
cancer drugs and radiation therapy
excessive alcohol
overheating of the testicles caused by exercise
hot water
tight clothing, and other conditions and situations
intercourse problems such as premature withdrawal
poor timing with their partner's menstrual cycle
Some of the most common everyday negative effects to sperm production and fertility is:
poor nutrition
smoking (lowers sperm count and reduces erections)
hot baths
being very overweight or underweight
You need to either cut these bad things out to increase sperm production or as you know, use my site which sells a product used by men who do not have time to change their diet etc. It is also used by male porn stars, the product I am talking about is of course VolumePills. It would be advisable for you to try and stop smoking and to improve your diet in fact this should be the first thing you try.
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