Friday, September 30, 2005

New Snack Ideas

It might be hard for some people to believe, but snacking is actually good for us. Doctors tend to recommend that we snack during the day. Snacking gives us that boost of energy that we need. The problem is, most people snack with the wrong types of food. They will snack with potato chips or with candy. While that is okay from time to time, I wouldn't make a big habit out of it. I would like to think that the best
approach to the bad things is this. Eat them one day of the week. Have the chips on Saturday while you are watching the game. You will enjoy them more during the game than you would at your desk. So, what should you eat for a snack? Don't run to the burger joints or to the vending machine at work. Neither of those places have what you are looking for. First I would suggest that you take a look at what your over all diet is. More importantly, how much coffee you are drinking. If you are drinking too much coffee, I would suggest that you cut back and start to eat more

Continue Reading New Snack Ideas here

New Snack ideas has been written for Health Guides by our friends at Guaranteed Great Body

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Planning Your Diet

We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat? If you are reading this, you have the time so. So sit back and follow these seven easy steps. Don't blink, if you do it will be over. It is really that simple.

This article was produced for Health Guides by our freinds at Fast Fat Reduction

Monday, September 26, 2005

The First Kiss, Dating Guide 3

The First Kiss. Guide to dating women

When to plant that first kiss? Most of us men only care about when we will get some action for the first time, let alone a measly kiss. This is where we make too many mistakes with women. If you aren't out to get a quick piece of ass, take it slow. You should be able to tell if you are going to get laid quickly. If she has screwed more than two of your friends, you know you will get her in the bag quickly. Often times though it isn't that easy. We want to rush things. If the girl is sweet and she takes over your heart, then there is no reason to make things move to fast. Instead, enjoy her company.

The mistake most men make is that they think they should get a kiss on the first date. In my experience this isn't true. I think that if we rush it too fast, we will end up scaring her away.

Think of it like you are in the woods hunting a deer.

Read about the rest of The First Kiss at Online Health Guides

This article has been supplied to Health Guides by our freinds at Penis Health

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Perfect Evening, Dating Guide 2

Perfect Evening, Guide to dating women

The wine is chilled, the lights are low, the music is soft. After kissing her you reach out and begin to unbutton her blouse. She reaches her hand out and strokes your chest, her lips slightly parted and her eyes dreamy. You pull her blouse off and stroke her throat, and she makes a purring sound. You're about to make the next move... the phone rings! It never fails - after setting the stage for a night of perfect passion, something will happen to ruin the sexy mood you've take such care to set up unless you take a few precautions in advance.

First off, turn off the phone ringer and turn down your answering machine. The only thing worse than having the phone ring while you're in a situation like above would be having you decide to answer the phone - a definite no-no. Having the phone ringing and ringing while you make your signature move, or hearing a voice in the room saying "Are you there? Pick up the phone" is not definitely conducive to furthering a night of passion.

It should go without saying, but don't answer the phone. Expecting your date to wait patiently while you talk about football scores or the meeting at work is one thing. Expecting her to maintain her level of sexual excitement is not going to happen without you there to keep her simmering.

Read more on Creating the perfect evening at Online Health Guides

This article was written for Health Guides

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Understanding Women, Dating Guide 1

When it comes to health guides we consider sexual health to be amongst the most important. So here is a dating guide on understanding women.

How many times have you talked to a woman and wondered if she is interested in you? I talk to a lot of women every day, I wonder about this day in and day out. How do I know if a woman is interested in me? I don't want to end up looking like a fool if I ask her out and she turns me down.

Here are some tips that you can use to know if she is interested.

If you are talking to a woman and she constantly touches you, chances are she wants more than just a conversation. This doesn't mean that you are going to score. It might mean that you have the potential to get laid, but I wouldn't count on it.

If she hangs around you all the time it might mean she is interested. If her girl friends go to the dance floor and she sticks near you to talk to you, that is a good sign.

If after a night out she invites you in for coffee. She might just be a polite gal, chances are she is inviting you in for some hot action. Take her up on the offer if she doesn't look like road kill.

There are many more tips and useful information on understanding women at Online Health Guides

Stay tuned for the next Dating Guide on The Perfect Evening

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Faq's About Penis Enlargement Patches

Transdermal Male Enhancement Patch FAQs

What do transdermal male enhancement "patches" do?

The patch is the latest method of delivering pharmaceutical or natural ingredients to the body. You've seen many common medications that now are available as a patch. In the case of male enhancement patches, the ingredients pass directly through the skin and into the bloodstream to increase overall virility and sexual health in men. The most common benefits are better hardness and stamina of erections, increased physical sensations, improved sex drive, greater confidence, and consistent, reliably superior sexual performance with continued use of a good patch product.

How do transdermal male enhancement patches work?

Read the rest of these Frequently asked questions about Penis Enlargement Patches at Online Health Guides

Health Guides Your source for regular health information.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

How penis enlargement Patches Work

This article has been provided to Health Guides by Online Health Guides

Suddenly, pharmaceutical patches are everywhere for every ailment: nonsmoking drugs, anti-depressants, birth control, and hundreds of prescription drugs are now coming out in patch form. It's fast becoming the preferred method of taking medicines, because there's no dilution of potency, no nausea or side effects to the digestive system, continuous time-released delivery and more accurate blood levels of the desired ingredients. It's also very easy to use and has a long shelf life.

It's no surprise, then, that this popular method of administering pharmaceuticals has also come to the all-natural male enhancement sector. Once only available in oral tablets or capsules, male enhancement benefits are now in the patch, making it super effective and more convenient than ever.

Thousands of men have already used the patch to address these concerns: Natural penis enhancement, harder, longer-lasting erections when aroused, better ejaculation control, consistently stronger sex drive, and greater orgasm intensity.

Continue reading this article about Penis Enlargement Patches at Online Health Guides

Friday, September 16, 2005

Losing Fat Fast: Is It Possible?

The first thing you need to know if you want to lose fat is that you need to BURN fat. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than you take in. If you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as body fat. To prevent a build up of body fat you need to either reduce your calorie intake or increase your daily activity levels - doing both will have the best effect on reducing body fat.

This simply means that the more fat you want to lose then the greater the amount of calories you have to burn off. To help you achieve and speed up your fat loss, here are few things that helps.

Speed up your metabolism
Exercise speeds up metabolism. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight.
Metabolism does control weight, this is true. What most people don’t know is that they do in fact have the ability to control and adjust their metabolisms and thereby control their weight. Exercise does speed the metabolism up. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight. It may not be healthy for all of us to get into a highly active lifestyle all at once but it is possible to get there as quickly as you safely can as an individual.

Eat healthy balanced diet
Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. Also include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes. Drink lots of water and go easy on the salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. A large part of the battle in fighting fat and a slow metabolic rate is the western world’s view of food as entertainment. In addition to taking on an active lifestyle you will need to stop looking at food consumption as a means of gratification. This is what causes us to be gluttons. Instead of stopping when our hunger is sated we continue on until we are stuffed to get more enjoyment out of it.

Get plenty of rest and sleep
Sleep and other lifestyle patterns can help or hinder the rate at which we metabolize foods. An active lifestyle should lead eventually to being able to exercise to exhaustion; this in turn should keep your metabolism quick and your fat content low. By extending oneself to ones limits you fully utilize the lungs, heart, and muscles and burn fat most efficiently.

Be strong mentally
Try not to be obsessed by your weight. Everyone has a bad day. Do not punish yourself. Try to lose any guilt feelings towards the mistakes you have done. Instead, just move on, start again and enjoy life as it comes.

Click Here For Herbal Weight Loss Pills

This article has been written for Health Guides

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Anti-Aging for Baby Boomers

In the 40's throughout the 60's, the United States experienced high birth rates, otherwise known as the "Baby Boom." Thus, people born within this era were called "Baby Boomers" who were known to wear mod clothes, sample hallucinogenic drugs, and rock with the Beatles. Great times. But where are the Baby Boomers now? At the turn of the millennium, some of them are in their 40's; the oldest already approaching retirement age.

Times have definitely changed; so as the Baby Boomers. They have noticed that their former youthful exuberance and ravenous virility are slowly fading away. This holds true, especially among the men. They may notice that their hairline is -- frightfully -- receding, their memory seems to be growing cobwebs and their sexual performance declining. Others may also experience insomnia or other sleeping problems, aches and pains, sweating and flushing, increased fat, loss of muscle mass and strength, irritability and crankiness, and even depression. Most men in this age will basically experience one or all of these in varying degrees.

When a man reaches the age of 30, his testosterone (male hormone) levels naturally and gradually declines. It does so at a staggering rate of 10 percent per decade. Since testosterone helps maintain sex drive, sperm production, pubic and body hair, muscle and bone, the consequences of aging slowly emerge as a man ages.

But do not despair. There are several ways to help Baby Boomers defy the effects of time. They should create a strategy for a healthy lifestyle that incorporates optimal diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement.

Today's diet is deficient in many essential nutrients, but high in sugar, fat, and salt. Your diet should ideally comprise of 25% protein, 25% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. Your protein intake should primarily be from plant sources like tofu and beans, with modest amounts from animal sources like meat. Fat from nuts and olive oil are preferable than from animal products. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables since these are the main sources of carbohydrates. As much as possible, steer clear of junk foods, colas and anything with refined sugars (e.g., doughnuts) since they induce the production of cortisol, a primary age-inducing hormone.

Diet alone cannot meet all the necessary nutrients needed by our body. Thus, you need to take supplements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutritional factors to be able to meet your daily requirements.

Physical activity can also alleviate the symptoms of aging. Since aging decreases your bone and muscle mass, it is good to have regular exercise which includes cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength training. Getting regular exercise has shown to help increase your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat. It also strengthens your heart and keeps your body flexible. Furthermore, exercise stimulates the production of growth hormones, which helps to rejuvenate aged cells and reverse the aging process.

Stress only accelerates the aging process. That's why another key element in your anti-aging strategy is stress management. Try relaxing activities such as Yoga, sports, meditation, reading, massages, etc. These activities let you focus on other things and help you calm down and loosen up.

Another way to put off the common symptoms of aging is by natural hormone enhancement. The human growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is largely involved with regulating the growth of body tissues. HGH comes in injections, spray and supplements (pills and tablets) which stimulate the pituitary gland to naturally increase its production. However, you should first consult with your physician before trying out anything.

Aging poses a great impact in the quality of our lives; but with a healthy lifestyle (including proper diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement), you can reduce or even prevent the symptoms associated with aging.

Products that will help with hair loss and prevent the natural reduction in human growth hormones. Pure Youth and Great Body

This article has been written for Health Guides

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ejaculation and Male Potency

Since the beginning of time, it seems humans have been fixated on the beauty and power of the penis. A symbol of manhood, strength, dominance and success, the penis and all its workings have prominently figured in the art and imagination of cultures worldwide. Yet all the attention given to penis size, erection capability and lasting power are really pretty much an adjunct to the real moment of truth: the orgasm. After all, isn't that the real goal of all the penis-centered concern, to have bigger and more potent climaxes?

That may explain why the spotlight has focused more recently on ejaculation. Men are considering not only the intensity or strength of orgasms, but how their volume of ejaculate affects many aspects of their sexual identity and enjoyment.

Overview of ejaculation

To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.

First, semen collects in the ejaculatory ducts during sexual stimulation. Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.

The exact amount of ejaculate is determined by a number of factors, including heredity, diet, overall health, frequency of sexual activity and age. The content, however, is about the same for all men: the ejaculate contains sperm and a long list of components that read like a vitamin pill label: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, vitamin B12, and zinc. Each of these ingredients, though, represents just a tiny amount -- and the total measure of a typical "load" is somewhere between 1.5 ml and 5 ml. The majority of the ejaculate volume is fluid from the prostate and the seminal vesicles.

The taste of semen varies greatly from one man to another, again affected by diet and overall physical health. The range goes from salty to sweet, may be bitter or mellow, and sometimes creates a very mild "numbing" effect to the lips and tongue of the taster. The taste can be deliberately changed, according to a number of online and physician's sources.

Healthy ejaculate will appear either translucently whitish or greyish to opaque white. Men who've had a vasectomy will have lighter, more translucent semen, devoid of the typical 15 to 20 million sperm of a usual ejaculation. Though a variety of textures and appearances are within the healthy range, most people equate very white, dense and more voluminous ejaculate with a healthier and more potent male.

Influences on ejaculation volume

When should a man be concerned about his volume and potency? Sometimes a dramatic decrease in ejaculate volume may indicate blockage of one of the ejaculatory ducts. Duct obstruction is diagnosed by prostate ultrasound. Other possible causes of decreased volume include retrograde ejaculation or a long-term infection of the prostate (chronic prostatitis). Decreased semen volume may simply be a normal part of aging and may not necessarily result in decreased fertility.

If there is concern about the amount, appearance and texture of the ejaculate, it may be advisable to consider semen testing by a qualified physician. The standard semen analysis measures semen volume and pH, microscopically analyses for debris and agglutination, assesses sperm concentration and morphology, counts sperm leukoctyes and identifies immature germ cells. Usually this is carried out after two to seven days of sexual abstinence, on a semen sample collected at the doctor's office. The physician will probably also wish to conduct tests to rule out urinary infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

In many cases, the semen analysis yields results that are technically within the "normal" range, yet men may still feel dissatisfied with the contracting power of orgasms, the volume and appearance of their ejaculate, and their fertility. For them, and for men who simply wish to experience the added confidence and pleasure of higher semen volume, there is an excellent natural preparation known as Semenax™ ( which holistically addresses the problem.

Semenax™ has been shown to increase the volume of ejaculate by as much as 500 percent, and improves quality of sperm, motility of sperm, overall sperm count, and efficiency of semen and sperm production.

Benefits of increasing volume

The advantages of orgasming with greater volume and power are numerous. By increasing both volume of fluid and quantity/health of sperm, the load is not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but much more potent, too.

The larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense. The male orgasm, typically quite a brief event, can become a much longer-lasting experience.

Potency and fertility are of concern to all men, but particularly those with an immediate desire to impregnate their mate. Infertility is increasingly common, and a product like Semenax™ is a good help in this area.

Finally, there are significant benefits to a man's confidence when he is able to increase ejaculate volume and power. Sexual confidence is tied not only to success in romantic endeavours, but to many other kinds of success as well; studies show confidence in sexual identity carries over into every aspect of a man's life.

How volume-boosting products work

Volume increasers vary a great deal in formulation, cost and manufacture methods. Here we'll look at a very popular and proven choice, Semenax™, to demonstrate how it works.

Semenax™ was developed by a group of health professionals to improve every aspect of sexual function and enjoyment for men. The focus is on volume boosting, because of its many related benefits. Formulated of natural ingredients with centuries of anecdotal proof in many cultures worldwide, the Semenax™ product contains botanicals and natural ingredients to tonify and support the ejaculatory ducts, epididymis, testes, prostate gland, seminal vesicles and vas deferens -- that is, every part of the male reproductive system.

Semenax™ is manufactured in a cGMP Certified Pharmaceutical facility (something to look for when shopping for volume products), and its ingredients include the amino acids L-arginine HCL, L-carnitine and L-lysine to increase testosterone and sperm count and motility; herbals epimedium sagittatum, catuaba bark and South American maca to boost libido and potency; and nutritionals to aid testosterone synthesis and prostate health.

When shopping for a volume boosting product, check for manufacture in a cGMP Certified Pharmaceutical facility, statements attesting to testing and research, and laboratory-controlled dosing.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Volume Enhancer FAQs

Are these products just for men with fertility problems?

Volume enhancer products do help men with fertility problems such as low sperm count and low sperm motility. However, they also have benefits for any man who wishes to increase his volume of ejaculate and intensity/power/distance of orgasms.

Why does greater volume translate to better orgasms?

By increasing the amount of semen you produce, your sexual organs contract harder and for a longer period of time; resulting in orgasms that are longer and stronger than before. Although the specific preparation you choose will determine your exact results, we recommend Semenax™ as the best valued product.

What other benefits are there?

In addition to increased volume of semen, increased fertility, and the significantly stronger and more satisfying orgasms, you can also expect an overall improvement in sexual well-being and function, increased shooting distance, plus an increase in confidence and increased sexual pleasure and desire. Many men who have used the Semenax™ brand of volume enhancer report these benefits as well as harder erections with continued use.

How is this different then Viagra?

A number of ways: Viagra does not address the volume of ejaculate; Viagra is a pharmaceutical drug, which carries with it inherent side effects and risks, while many volume enhancer products are 100% natural, free of side effects, and non-narcotic. Viagra is also quite expensive, and requires a doctor's prescription. Natural volume enhancers can be obtained easily and affordably -- Semenax™, for instance, is a good value, available online, and has fast and secure ordering/shipping.

What is in the volume enhancer product?

The pills contain all-natural herbal ingredients and amino acids, formulated according to each manufacturer's specifications. For a look at specific ingredients in each product, reputable products will have a listing on their website.

How fast will the products start to work?

Some volume products require a lengthy ongoing regimen, while others work within a few days. Depending on the product, you should start noticing a small difference within 2 weeks, and reach maximum benefit after 2-3 months. Again, this varies by product, so make sure to keep an eye out on the specific product’s site.

Are volume enhancer products appropriate for a man with a vasectomy?

Yes. The volume of ejaculate will increase and the orgasmic benefits, therefore, will be greater, too. Your fertility will not increase, obviously, but your power to deliver a larger load should increase.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable… Take extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend Semenax™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

Are there other ways to improve my sexual health?

Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement supplement can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.

Some other products you may be interested in include: MaxiDerm™, VigRX™, VigRX Oil™, and GenF20™.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Different Aphrodisiacs Throughout History

Sex is an important part in the lives of human beings, whether they lived in the past or the present. It is the reason the race of men has continued until today, and more and more children are being born. Ever since man occupied this earth, they have been thinking of ways to spice up their sex lives by using aphrodisiacs. An aphrodisiac is something that can heighten a sexual act between two people. It can be inhaled or snorted, eaten, applied, or delivered to the body by instruments.

In the early ages, men used animals' genitalia as aphrodisiacs. They believed that those sexual organs will add pleasure in their sexual act. Early recorded books such as the Kama Sutra, and the Bible tell how those people would boil frog, rams, or goat. Then, they would pour milk in it and sugar to add more flavor. Cave drawings of early men displayed pictures of men eating these organs.

During the Elizabethan England, people considered plants as aphrodisiacs when they resembled the shape of the man's penis. Such vegetables used as aphrodisiacs were asparagus, carrots, mustard, nettles, anise, sweet peas, and even celery. China also had its own aphrodisiac which is ginseng. Because of its shape, the Chinese people also considered it to boost their sexual drives when they wanted to have sex. In the eastern world, they considered something as an aphrodisiac based on its shape, and not the chemical composition.

Some aphrodisiacs were not eaten, but worn by people. Some of these charms were the unicorn's horn and the St. John Wort's root. Early people believed that their magic was so powerful that they could not even bring themselves to eat it.

Throughout the history, men always invented recipes that can add pleasure in their sex lives. In Europe, they used the theory of Galen that food should be warm and moist for something to be an aphrodisiac. Spices such as pepper were always added in their foods to increase their lust.

In considering food as aphrodisiac, they looked at other theories besides Galen. The early people believed that a Mandrake root would cure the female of her infertility. They based it on the root's fork-like shape, which looks somewhat like her thigh.

Oysters, which is one of the popular foods today, is also considered to increase the lust of couples. Some people say that it could boost sexual drives because it looked like a woman's genitalia. Even lizards were eaten because they were thought to have some positive effects on couple's sexual lives.

Even though potatoes shape are round, early Europeans added them to their aphrodisiac list. The reason for this is that they were a delicacy in the earlier times.

Some of the earlier people based their aphrodisiac lists on Greek mythology. Actually the term aphrodisiac was taken from the goddess name, Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love who considered sparrows as sacred and its brains as aphrodisiacs. Bunnies were also considered as aphrodisiac at that time; hence the creation of the playboy magazines. However, St. Thomas Aquinas has a different thought. He said that aphrodisiac food should have some vital spirit so meat and wine were added to the list.

One of the most popular aphrodisiacs in history was the Spanish fly. Its most effective ingredient is the Cantharidin found on beetle insects. It is said to irritate the genitals and cause sexual arousal.

Nowadays, the most common aphrodisiacs are the pills such as herbal Viagra, It contains some natural ingredients designed to boost the sexual drives of couples. Even if the man is already old, he can still have an erection he could only achieve during his younger days.

You can learn more about spicing up your sex life from these other resources.
Ultimate Sex Guide, 200 Sex Positions, Tantra Techniques, Karma Sutra

Monday, September 05, 2005

How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work

To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.

Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.

However, the larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense.

That's why several products have hit the market recently that are specifically designed to increase the volume of ejaculate. Some products emphasize more the man's ability to impress a partner (and himself) with a larger, more manly load. But one notable exception emphasizes not just the greater pleasure of climaxing with more semen, but the overall benefits to the male reproductive system. That one is Semenax™, one of our top picks among products for the very sexually active male.

The male sexual system is a complex interplay of many different parts; for maximum pleasure, each must be working in top order at the right time. A good quality male supplement should also enhance the function of each of these vital parts of a man's reproductive system:

  • Ejaculatory Ducts:
    The path through the seminal glands which semen travels during ejaculation.

  • Epididymis:
    The epididymis is a 'holding pen' where sperm produced by the seminiferous tubules mature. The sperm wait here until ejaculation.

  • Testes, Testicles:
    The two testes within the scrotum produce sperm and testosterone. Within each testis is a kilometer (!) of ducts called the seminiferous tubules, the organs which generate sperm.

  • Prostate Gland:
    Also produces a fluid that makes up the semen. The prostate gland also squeezes shut the urethral duct to the bladder, thus preventing urine from mixing with the semen and disturbing the pH balance required by sperm.

  • Seminal Vesicles:
    The seminal vesicles produce semen, a fluid that activates and protects the sperm after it has left the penis during ejaculation.

  • Vas Deferens:
    The ducts leading from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles.

Although "volume" capsules and tablets have the specific purpose of increasing sperm and semen production/amount, we feel it's important to always consider overall male sexual health with any program you decide to pursue.

For some men, the issue of improved potency and fertility is very important as well. If this is of concern to you, look for a supplement that increases both volume of fluid AND quantity and health of sperm. Your load will be not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but more potent as well. Again, Semenax™ scores high across both categories.

The volume tablets may include amino acids (the building blocks of protein) plus herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America. Look for ingredients that have been proven over decades or even hundreds of years of experience to stimulate sexual activity and increase semen and sperm production in the testis. Some of the listings you'll see include:

    Studies show sperm and semen volume doubles, fertility improves (even among men with low sperm counts or poor sperm motility), and sperm health and activity increase with supplementation.

    Researchers find that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.

    Sometimes called "horny goat weed," this botanical boosts libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm production.

    Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis.

    This amino acid is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm.

    Brazilian herb that strengthens the libido, and nourishes the entire male reproductive system.

    Supports prostate health and hormonal production.

MACA Legendary South American botanical proven to promote libido, potency and energy.

Good supplements are manufactured in a pharmaceutical-grade laboratory, and offer a money back guarantee. As with all herbal supplements, shop with care; make sure to choose a reputable company that offers and honors its guarantees. Our research into these products and survey results found Semenax™ to be the best product in this category.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Human Growth Hormone FAQs

What is HGH?

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. Human Growth Hormone is the naturally occurring substance from the human pituitary gland that plays a key role in young, active function of body, brain and sex organs.

Levels of Human Growth Hormone decrease as we age. By middle age and beyond, HGH levels have plummeted to a tiny fraction of their youthful levels -- and science shows that there is a direct correlation between lost HGH and the typical signs of aging, such as weight gain, loss of interest in sex, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good tone and texture, flagging memory.

HGH supplementation has been shown to:

  • Decrease fat, while increasing lean muscle
  • Improve the look and feel of your skin
  • Increase bone density, and even reverse osteoporosis
  • Power up the brain, and maintain memory even during aging
  • Boost the sex drive
  • Tone and improve overall physical and mental well being
  • Contribute to better sleep
  • Improve mood, and banish depression and fatigue

How do I know HGH releaser products are safe?

Choose carefully to get the highest quality products from the options in this genuinely beneficial category. Go with a product from a company that has a good reputation, such as GenF20™ HGH -- this one attests to its safety and reliability. There are neither side effects nor known drug interactions with GenF20™ HGH. This product is manufactured in GMP certified laboratories, that is, pharmaceutical quality labs of the highest standards. These are the kinds of safety checks to look for. Ask your doctor if you have specific concerns.

Some claims I've seen say you must have HGH by injection for it to work. If that's true, how can tablets be effective?

Originally, HGH products were only available in very expensive injections of HGH derived from donors' pituitary glands post mortem. The HGH molecule, it was discovered, could not absorb into the bloodstream by other methods because it is too large to pass through the walls of the digestive system. However, new techniques have created the tablet supplement that uses a formula to trigger and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and secrete more HGH itself. The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended, in other words, through the glandular system -- just as it did when you were in your 20s!

What side effects are there?

There are no known side effects with HGH releasers. Many studies have been conducted in all age groups, and no ill effects whatsoever have been reported. Just make sure the product you purchase is produced in a GMP certified laboratory.

How long can I take HGH?

Initially, it's recommended that you take the product for about 6 months to bring your body's HGH production levels up. At this time, you may wish to take a "pause" of up to 1 year, while you continue to enjoy the benefits of increased HGH. Your body's new HGH production levels won't drop dramatically during this time. Then you can repeat the process to enhance HGH production in the long term. If you are having trouble finding a product that outlines these specifications, we recommend GenF20™ as a product you can’t go wrong with.

How quickly do HGH releasers work? How fast will I look and feel better?

You should plan to stay on the HGH supplement for at least 3 months when you begin your program. Results vary depending on your existing level of HGH when you begin, so for instance, people who have very low levels of HGH have more immediate results. Most people, regardless of current HGH level, report feeling better, sleeping better and having more energy right away, with improvement in appearance and muscle tone and other benefits generally becoming more pronounced over the first couple months.

Is HGH just for older adults?

Because the lowest levels of HGH are found in older populations, they'll experience results most quickly. However, because HGH effects so many systems and organs, it has benefits for adults of any age.

I heard HGH was a very expensive treatment to obtain. Why are HGH tablets so affordable?

Advances in the engineering of amino acids that comprise this product mean the costs are only a small fraction of what HGH injections would cost. Originally, HGH injections could run as much as $15,000! Now you can obtain quality HGH supplementation affordably thanks to new scientific breakthroughs in understanding HGH and manufacturing effective releasers of HGH. We recommend GenF20™ HGH as the best value around.

Is it possible to take too much of this product?

As with all supplements or drugs, you should stay within the guidelines established for you by the research community and pharmaceutical manufacturer. Follow the instructions as they appear on the label or product insert, as increasing the dosage usually results in product wastage.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable… Take extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend GenF20™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

Friday, September 02, 2005

How HGH Supplements Work

Human growth hormone, also called somatotropin, is a protein hormone of 190 amino acids (building blocks of protein) that is created and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It has two types of effects, both of which are highly beneficial to the vital, active human body.

One main type of action of the HGH is its direct effects on other kinds of cells. The growth hormone binds to its receptor on target cells, then creates some particular action. Fat cells, for example, are the target cells of HGH, so they have growth hormone receptors. Once bonded there, the growth hormone causes them to break down triglyceride and suppresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids -- in other words, fat storage is prevented!

HGH also acts to create other indirect effects in the body by causing secretion of IGF-1, an insulin-like growth factor hormone. IGF-1 is secreted from the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone. This is the action that governs mostly growth-related effects of HGH.

This same effect is also the power behind muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of muscle cells, stimulates amino acid uptake and synthesizes protein in muscle and other tissues. This is where HGH's ability to influence overall muscle and skin tone comes from.

Growth hormone has important effects on:

  • Protein metabolism:
    HGH causes increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis and decreased oxidation of proteins.

  • Fat metabolism:
    HGH enhances the utilization of fat -- gives your body the ability to break down fat cells more efficiently.

  • Carbohydrate metabolism:
    HGH is one of several hormones that maintain blood sugar within a normal range.

Because of the abilities of HGH mentioned above, you can soon see that without it, muscle tone declines, fat stubbornly sits in the body and resists metabolism, and hair, skin and nails (all composed of proteins) deteriorate. In fact, scientists now believe that HGH has a role in most healthy functions of the body, including sexual function, proper operation of stomach and bowels, liver, and all glandular systems.

Whether HGH is directly interacting with certain cells, or playing its key part in the correct function of other bodily systems, it's essential throughout the body for youthful vigor and health.

Problem is, HGH augmentation has traditionally been a benefit reserved for the super-rich: until now, only injections of HGH could have an effect in the body, and at a cost of thousands of dollars per treatment.

More recently, pharmaceutical companies and natural supplement companies have fine-tuned the science of HGH stimulation in the body by means of a Growth Hormone releaser. That is, by natural means, the body can be stimulated to produce and release its own HGH, increasing levels to those of a youthful, vital person.

One such supplement is GenF20™, a supplement from a quality manufacturer. Their product works by using a formula to trigger and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and secrete more HGH itself. The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended, in other words, through the glandular system -- just as it did when you were in your 20s. You see, it is not possible to just make an HGH supplement that would enter the bloodstream by other means than injection, because the HGH molecule is too large to pass through the walls of the digestive system, for instance. But with a "releaser" or stimulator product, your body does the HGH producing itself.

Once stimulated by the supplement, HGH goes to work in the body delivering all the benefits detailed above. If there's a fountain of youth, this is it, say doctors who've reviewed the product. Why not go to and see for yourself.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pheromones FAQs

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are chemical scent signals that all humans/mammals give off. Subconsciously detected, pheromones give information about your immune system, your fertility, your current state of sexual interest… and the list goes on. Some of these pheromones target the opposite sex, and naturally trigger attraction arousal and readiness for sex. With the right chemical-hormonal signals, she automatically, instinctively responds – without even realizing what is drawing her to you!

How are pheromones detected?

Pheromone signals are detected through an organ 3 inches inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). When the VNO detects the pheromone, it sends a response signal to the brain. So, while the sense of smell is usually discussed in studies of pheromone attraction, it is really a chemical response that occurs, rather than a specific identifiable smell. In other words, she responds to your chemistry on a subconscious level, with feelings of attraction, arousal, interest and excitement.

How come I haven't heard about this interesting new sense organ and human pheromones before?

Because it's a recent discovery! Although you may not have heard of pheromones and the sixth sense yet, you will: They're fast becoming household words.

Do we give off pheromones naturally?

Absolutely, we are chemically communicating with each other all the time. These pheromones that we give off are the base for most pheromone cologne style products.

If we have our own pheromones, why do we need a pheromone cologne?

Because of our cultural habits... What do we do first thing in the morning, every morning? Take a shower. Then we apply deodorants and maybe lotions or aftershaves that further mask our real body chemistry. Next, we tend to dress from head to toe, thereby covering 90% of the very skin that releases pheromones into the air. Some studies have also shown that through evolution, our natural pheromone production has gradually decreased, as civilizations have turned to social customs and norms when choosing a mate.

When you put on a pheromone cologne like Nexus Pheromones™, you're not only replacing pheromones you've washed off, covered up or lost, but adding a chemical miracle brew that will work on most women. By replenishing and even boosting your lost pheromones you can really "get back to nature," and re-establish chemical communication with people around you. People respond without even understanding why. They just know they like you.

How long do they last?

This varies a great deal depending on each person's individual chemistry and the particular scent they choose. One of the best product, Nexus Pheromones™, says its pheromone-based cologne lasts approximately 8 to 10 hours when applied on appropriate spots.

Why should I buy pheromone products?

This could be the thing that gives you the competitive edge and the confidence you need to achieve your social and sexual goals, whatever they may be. Pheromones are an easy way to boost your attraction, and then compound it with the confidence you'll have from all of the choices and attention.

Are all pheromone products about the same?

No, definitely not. They're all quite different, and the savvy consumer should always shop carefully. You should look for a product that contains pure androstenone pheromone concentrate preferably in "double strength" potency. If you are having trouble finding the right product, we recommend you consider Nexus Pheromones™.

Also, be careful of what you're paying for: be sure to compare package sizes when you buy. Some companies put as little as 10ml in a bottle while charging a hefty price.

What results should I expect with a pheromone cologne?

  • More eye contact, interest and smiles from the opposite sex
  • More sex appeal
  • More dates and sexual intercourse
  • A rejuvenation of your current relationship
  • More passionate lovemaking
  • A relaxing, easy effect on others around you
  • More instances of being approached by the opposite sex
  • Increased self confidence
  • Intuitive respect and focus on you by others

Can I order and still maintain my privacy?

A good company will ship discreetly with nothing on the package to identify the precise contents. If you aren’t sure, ask before you order, though you won’t need to if you are looking at a good product.

Are there other ways to increase my sexual libido?

Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement supplement can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.

Some other products you may be interested in include: VigRX™, MaxiDerm™, Semenax™, VigRX Oil™, GenF20™.